Care Ministry

The New Life Care Ministry exists to come alongside people in the New Life Community with Biblical encouragement, prayer, practical support and resources for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, and to train, equip, and support as we help people find New Life in Christ.

Sometimes as we go through life, we need some support.  Maybe it’s a listening ear, some encouragement or resources, some practical help or someone to pray with.  We want to come alongside you.

Areas of Care:

The Master’s Hands team comes alongside those who attend New Life Church to assist with household maintenance or small home improvement projects (e.g. changing lightbulbs, shower heads, simple repairs, yard maintenance, etc.). The team provides services on Wednesday nights. If you are in need of services, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you.

New Life Church Cancer Ministry exists to love and care for the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of those impacted by cancer at New Life Church and the surrounding community. The goal of the Cancer Ministry is to meet the individualized needs of a person diagnosed with cancer as well as the needs of related caregivers, families and friends. Cancer impacts every area of a person’s life and touches people closest to that person. The Cancer Ministry aims to come alongside those affected, offer the hope of Jesus Christ and minister to their needs in all stages of their cancer journey. If you would like to learn more about support during a cancer journey, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you. New Life Church Cancer Ministry aims to meet these needs through a team of people that share our vision and are called to use their gifts and abilities to minister to those impacted by cancer.

The Meals Ministry exists to serve through making meals for those in need during a specific season of life. The team is passionate about showing the love of Christ through providing nourishment and practical care to those involved in the New Life Community. The Meals Ministry consists of people with a desire and willingness to use their gifts to serve people through providing meals. If you are in need of assistance from the Meals Team, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you. Each request is unique and you will be contacted by the Care Ministry to gather more information.

The Visitation Ministry exists to reach out to:
  • Shut-Ins: Those who are mostly confined to their home or to a specific living center. Outreach also includes an option for regular visitation to Ramsey County Care Center to reach residents for Christ.
  • Hospitalized/Recovery: Those who are hospitalized and/or have a long recovery at home or in a rehab facility.
  • If you are interested in a visit from the Visitation team, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you.

    Growing Families exists to serve families as they welcome new children into their lives by providing support through a blessing basket, meals and connection. Welcoming new children into the family is a joyful experience as well as a time of transition. We want to celebrate with you, connect and provide support during the transition of learning new rhythms as a family. If you or someone you know is expecting or adopting, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you.

    New Life Church Women’s Ministry supports mentorship opportunities to women who are searching for another woman to come alongside her for a specific season. Mentorship can vary depending on needs and can include topics such as marriage, mothering, spiritual needs, learning better organization, meal planning, etc. Mentorship activities are based on Biblical principles with practical applications related to specific needs. To express an interest in mentorship, please submit a care request on the form below and we will be in contact with you.

    If you would like to request care for yourself or on behalf of another, please complete the form below and someone will be in touch with you.

    Serving in Care

    We desire to create a team of individuals who have a heart for caring for people’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  We can provide training and resources to equip people to serve.  Do you have a heart to serve others?  Do you enjoy helping people?  Do you want to pour into the next generation?  Have you received care yourself and now want to help someone else?

    The Master’s Hands team comes alongside those who attend New Life Church to assist with household maintenance or small home improvement projects (e.g. changing lightbulbs, shower heads, simple repairs, yard maintenance, etc.). The team provides services on Wednesday nights. If you have a passion for practical service through home maintenance, Master’s Hands would love to have you join them. Please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    New Life Church Cancer Ministry exists to love and care for the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of those impacted by cancer at New Life Church and the surrounding community. The goal of the Cancer Ministry is to meet the individualized needs of a person diagnosed with cancer as well as the needs of related caregivers, families and friends. Cancer impacts every area of a person’s life and touches people closest to that person. The Cancer Ministry aims to come alongside those affected, offer the hope of Jesus Christ and minister to their needs in all stages of their cancer journey. If you are interested in serving with the Cancer Care Ministry, please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    The Meals Ministry exists to serve through making meals for those in need during a specific season of life. The team is passionate about showing the love of Christ through providing nourishment and practical care to those involved in the New Life Community. The Meals Ministry consists of people with a desire and willingness to use their gifts to serve people through providing meals. If you are passionate about serving through providing meals, the team would love to have you join them! Please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    The Visitation Ministry exists to reach out to:
  • Shut-Ins: Those who are mostly confined to their home or to a specific living center. Outreach also includes an option for regular visitation to Ramsey County Care Center to reach residents for Christ.
  • Hospitalized/Recovery: Those who are hospitalized and/or have a long recovery at home or in a rehab facility.
  • If you are interested in using your time and talents in visiting those within the community, please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    Growing Families exists to serve families as they welcome new children into their lives by providing support through a blessing basket, meals and connection. Welcoming new children into the family is a joyful experience as well as a time of transition. We want to celebrate with them, connect and provide support during the transition of learning new rhythms as a family. If you are interested in coming alongside in support of growing families within the New Life Community, please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    New Life Church Women’s Ministry supports mentorship opportunities to women who are searching for another woman to come alongside her for a specific season. Mentorship can vary depending on needs and can include topics such as marriage, mothering, spiritual needs, learning better organization, meal planning, etc. Mentorship activities are based on Biblical principles with practical applications related to specific needs. If you are interested in mentoring other women by coming alongside in encouragement directed toward a relationship with Jesus, please submit the volunteer interest form below and we will be in contact with you.

    Take a look at the information about existing Care Ministry teams let us know by completing the form below how you envision getting involved. Someone will be in touch with you soon.

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